Thursday, March 19, 2009

Too Lazy to Name this Entry's Title

Besok LTS!!! Hwawawawaw deg2an.

Well, now I'm counting down to UAN! takuuuuuuut... My dad says keep self-talking to myself (the good thing, of course) and a magazine said that magic spells work. Magic spells here means self-talk. Kalo aku bilang aku bisa, aku pasti bisa! AMIN. Just need to study harder than before. Hello? it's not that ordinary daily tests. It's national!!! SEMOGA AKU BISA AMIN AMIN AMIN deg2an paraaaah!

btw besok itu pengumuman penerimaan siswa baru smai alizhar. Wish my friends good luck! Hope they will get accepted there :)

mmmmm tapi bosen banget di alizhar lagi. I wanted to go to SMAN 28, tapi I got...umm scholarship or whatever you call it..di alizhar. jadi yaudah, kata bapakku sekalian aja di situ. Lagian my sister goes to school there jadi ya sudahlah. Sedih deh me and my friends will be parted :( ada yang mau ke tarki, SMAN 28, labsky, SMAN 34, Binus, dll. Hope we will never forget each other. you guys are the ones who keep me going to school. love you guys always and forever :D

Today's object of obsession... chocolate bar :B
Current song on my iTunes... 21st Century Life by Sam Sparro
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