Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Baking, So-Called Reunion, School Uniform, Crushes, Concert.

'Yello there matey! Since I changed my blog template menjadI bernuansa lautan (or pirate is more like it) aku menyapa kalian dengan cara seperti barusan. oke nggak penting. By the way, have you take a look at the title? Aku membagi postingan ini dengan kategori seperti yang dituliskan di judulnya. Jadi bersiap2 saja ya karena postingan ini agak panjang hehehe.

Aaaaand since i promised you guys that i will put the photos when i baked some cookies up, so there they go! First Im sorry that I took the pictures only when they were done. So I dont have the pictures when i made them. So suit yourselves :B
The background in the first photo is made by me (hoho). I made it at school and the title is Mitoguy! He's a creature my friend and I invent, and Mitoguy has a girlfriend called Mitogirl! and my friend painted Mitogirl while I painted Mitoguy. Anyway, the cookies are like lollipops, they have got stick that went through them (just like a lollipop). The background in the second photo is made by my baby brother, Umar (he's 5). Well I just put up the background so the photo won't be so stiff teehee!
And there are the rest of the cookies. The icing looks great, doesnt it? Im kinda proud of myself (sorry about the narcism...) And I made meringues out of the unused icing. Here are the pictures:
And my brother saw this and he asked me to make a meringue that shaped like Optimus Prime so.... yeah I succeeded to make him that.
wiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi!!! Next time i bake i will put up the photos again :D

2 days ago (if im not mistaken) my friend Rinaldi invited us for a Supercamp reunion but guess what? He couldn't go! That's just great. Reaaaal great. And the worst part is; he sent a message about this reunion on facebook, but no one replied. I thought maybe they would go, or maybe some of them had already informed rinaldi that they couldn't go. But apparently, I was wrong. It seemed that no one knows about this reunion!! Sheez what a mess. That completely ruined my mood. I wanted to call some of my friends but I was afraid that they were already at school and what if I annoy them, so I didn't call (my number 1 mistake that day). Sooo all I knew was going, it was Geoffrey. He's a foreigner from the US but apparently he goes to Indonesia like every years on summer? Anyway, my sister was supposed to go too, but my baby brother was like "aaa I want mbak Dila to stay!! she has to stay!! Otherwise I'll be alone!" so my sister didn't go as well. So... yeah, I went to Senayan City alone. I met Geoff at 12.30 and we strolled around the mall. We went back to the meeting point, no one was there. I asked Rinaldi who's coming and who's not but all he said to me was "ask them for yourself!" argh I was so angry at Rinaldi that day. Apparently he ALSO didn't know who's coming! I was so stressed. Okay. Then I had lunch at Pepper Lunch with Geoff. We were waiting for Rainer, the only one who was coming beside us. He was at school (dia negeri, jadi udah masuk tanggal 13) and he would be there by 3. So I strolled around the mall again with Geoff. Good time though, because you see, he was my summer crush :B but too bad he was in a relationship with his friend so... yeah. Anyway, we had Blizzard Ice Creams from Dairy Queen. I accompanied him to sport stores because he said he was looking for a new pair of shoes and backpack. I saw some good pairs of shoes. I'll tell my dad later. At last Rainer came and we watched Ice Age 3 together. It was really funny! I went home after the movie ended. Anyway, my second mistake that day was I didn't talk much. I was too amazed and my heart bet faster (because I was with Geoff half of the time) so I was like "haaaaaaa" anyway he grew taller and cuter :B he was very nice and he talked about this and that in his hometown, and also his whole summer vacation. Like, they've only got a mall there and it only has 2 floors (and his girl friends were like "wow i wanna live there! They've got big malls!"), what they did with their school's fountain, what they do in winter (snow sliding), what they do for fun (playing around with wheelchairs -..-), american-football accidents, and so on. It was reaaaally fun listening to him. He also told me that he was half-German. That is why his name is Weiss which means White in German. Anyway, well, I had a crush on him :D There is something I regret though, that I didn't talk much. Because when I got home I was like "Shouldve said this, that, blab blab blab". Phew. So maybe we only strolled around the mall. But it felt like a date to me hohohohoho.

Anyway, I went to the tailor today. Untuk menjahit batik menjadi kemeja. ha ha. I don't know why but that statement looks funny to me LOL. Al-Izhar's new school uniform sucks! Modelnya tuh aneh banget deh pokoknya. Dan sama gitu seragam SMA SMP. Kan gak seru sama gitu sama adek kelas (hehe). Dan aku belom beli keperluan sekolah lagi! My dad has been busy all this summer, and he was sick (he's now okay though). But we haven't been anywhere ever since. Chuu. Padahal udah butuh nih, school starts at 21, Dad! Help me!

Sooo I told you guys that Geoff was my crush :B there is one more though. Can't say his name, sorry. BUT!!! Ada gitu deh adek kelasku yang suka dia juga krr krr. Aku tau sih, karena......... ada deh! Anyway, sepertinya tipe cowokku dan adek kelasku itu sama. Aku tau juga sih, karena.. ada deh! haha keterangannya nggak bertambah. Biarin deh, after all dia adek kelasku. Pasti takut kan sama saya?! HUH?!? Haha tiba2 ngomong saya.

Last but not least... Concert. There's this band called Phoenix and I like them. My sister likes them too. And DING! They are going to held a gig here in Indonesia!! So we bought the tickets to their concert. But suddenly my sister was aware that Aksara was the one who invited (or maybe provided) them to come here. The event is called Beatfest 2009. But!! Last year's Beatfest was only for 18+. We don't know for sure if Beatfest 2009 is only for 18+ until my sister saw the poster. The writing "18+" was really big and it also says: "Bring your ID/ Driver's License". This is like a nightmare. Okay, so I am underage. But the worst part is... since I am underage, I DON'T HAVE AN ID OR DRIVER'S LICENSE YET! How am I going to get in there? This is really freaking me out. I mean, what would you do if you have already bought a ticket to your DREAM concert, and then you realized that it was only for 18+ and you were still an underage??? Guys, I need your opinion here so if you read this post and you are willing to help, I will never thank you enough :')

Anyway, Im not listening to a song. But this song has been my favorite song since... Monday? The song is called So Little Time by Arkana. Here is my favorite part of the song; the chorus:

So little time, so much to do
I'd rather spend my days with you.
So little time, so much to do
I'd like to spend one day with you,
and if that day is not enough,
maybe we can stay in touch
but Im not making plans for tomorrow
For tomorrow never comes!

And my current obsession? Still, Hunter Parrish! xoxo. Bye everyone!

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Hey aliens! hoho. Okay this will be just a quick update!

um um I havent taken a shower since the morning, and what time is it now? Um let's see it's 5 p.m huhuh JOROK. oke emang jorok tapi dari kemaren ngga bisa tidur cepet nih '~' u know, insomnia liburan? dan ini sangat mengganggu rutinitas ku yang rata2 bangun jam 8 pagi. kenapa? karena abis beraktivitas pagi such as eat breakfast, watching morning shows on tv, do some stretching dan berleyeh-leyeh... setelah itu pasti ngantuk, yep. lalu ketiduran sampe jam 1 siang. begitu aja lho! dan sudah 2 hari ini berlanjut, sampai2 oma berkomentar bahwa aku adalah seekor kebo. memang sepertinya aku adalah kebo tulen... kalo hari sekolah juga susah bangun, kecuali dibangunin sama the mighty mother! yay, pintu kamarku menghadap ke lorong dan aku adalah penakut. perlu diulang? penakut. daaaaan ibu kalo ngebangunin pasti ngebuka pintu dengan cara menjeblak, ngebangunin "Deeeeek bangun!!!" and she will leave the door open. Menghadap ke lorong yang masih gelap! tentu saja itu menakutkan. karena itu aku pasti bangun karena ketakutan (i know it's weird but that actually happens). dan I have been living la vida loca since my mum went to the Netherlands to continue her education of HIV/AIDS in Children there (my mum is a pediatrician). I shop only with my sister (which means we're like "CLOTHES! IT'S EVERYWHERE! Wait... We should shop smartly. Wait again... MUM'S NOT HERE" and we're like "woohoo this is cute! will this look good? Is it worth it? Um.. I don't think so........ BUT I WILL TAKE THIS" daaaan karenanya ada beberapa baju yang sekarang mendekam di lemari karena bingung mau pake kapan dan tidak yakin akan dipakai dalam waktu dekat. huhu Im sorry mum, but that's why you shouldn't leave us here alone with dad (who is too busy taking care of our baby brother) because nobody controls us! Well that's okay as long as she does her best on her education... I love you mum.

anyway karena ceritanya berlanjut kemana mana, inti cerita di atas sampe lupa kuberi tau. intinya: karena ketiduran sampe jam 1 siang, jadi males mandi jadinya digabung sama sore aja ah mandinya ahaha JOROK!

So my sister and I have been wanting to watch this show, "I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here" karena iklannya menarik. pas nonton rupanya memang menarik! dan aku sangat senang melihat Sanjaya Malakar karena dia lucu! Dan aku akhirnya tau bahwa Spencer Pratt and his wife Heidi Pratt are such losers! mereka tuh ngeluh gitu dan nyampah banget! oke Heidi masih gapapa deh karena dia cewek (haha sexist abis gua) tapi i dunno, they both look fake and they both are trying too hard to be cool. Heidi tries too hard to look cute and Spencer tries too hard to be hardcore! masalahnya mereka sama sekali nggak banget! baru hari pertama Spencer udah lose his head dan marah2 to the hole camp. Well maybe the other campers juga agak gimana sih karena mereka ambil barang2 Speidi wheh they were away TAPI KAN!!! huh. lalu mereka tuh selalu bilang kayak "my wife", "my husband", ugh PLEASE every1 knows u r married! who wants to marry Spencer anyway? cukuran dulu deh mas! bahkan Janice Dickinson aja nggak sejijik itu sama nature.

Anyway, speaking of campers.. besok mau ada reunian Supercamp 08 di Senayan city! woohoo. asiiiik ngapain ya? paling cuma makan2 aja sih. mungkin nonton film tapi mau nonton apa ya? Hoho. it's gonna be fun! Yay!

Lalu tanggal 21 nanti adalah hari pertama jadi murid SMA. uuu rasanya badanku terlalu kecil untuk jadi anak SMA. tunggu.. rasanya PIKIRANKU terlalu kecil untuk jadi anak SMA... haha ya i know kayak "sok childish banget sih" tapi... yah, a little confession, aku masih enjoy kalo disuruh main di lho! hahaha.

oke abis ini mau aikido jadi kurasa segini dulu deh. haha sorry ya for this so-called quick update! abis keseruan cerita sih jadi kepanjangan deh hehehe. anyway I just bought the book Inkheart yesterday! The movie was good jadi pasti bukunya lebih bagus lagi! hehe

Long Live Hunter Parrish!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

tidak tahu judulnya apa

Yay! earlier today i baked some cookies! and my Aunt made some doughnuts. my Aunt helped me with things but basically i did like three-quarter part of the job, yay! and the doughnuts are made of potatoes. well not just potatoes, but ya know, things? ha ha. I'll put up the photos later!

I was supposed to be at Ghea's this morning at 11 a.m. but I couldn't make it. Sunday is my driver's day off and he didn't answer my phone calls. I wanted to ask my dad to drop me off at Ghea's but he couldn't go to work as well (he's a doctor) because he is sick. Get well soon daddy :x hee hee.

My aunt (yes, the same auntie who helped me bake <- she's my Baking Guru! Lol, and yes, we spend a lot of time together.. Auntie Nurul xoxo) is currently sewing a hand-made bag. She found the pattern on a blog, Lula Louise. The genius behind this blog is named Beth. I was scrolling through her blog when I found good tutorials (well actually i didn't understand half of her way of sewing...) on making your own home-made clothes! She is a genius! And she makes cute dresses, tops, and even bags. I salute you, Beth. Well, she reminds me that my grandma still has old magazines from the 50s. No kidding. but the magazines are in foreign language (i believe it's Dutch) so they are kinda hard to read. I guess I'll just hafta ask my grandma to translate them for me. I hope the magazines have clothes pattern. I love vintage clothes!

and last but not least.... congratulation to my girl DIBA!!! hehehe she got accepted at the high school she wanted to go to! Happy for you, Dibs! xoxo

I am still obsessed with Hunter Parrish, teehee <3

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

need explanation?

Yo ma homies! Im back from like 2 months hiatus!!! wow, i mean, wow. the last time i posted here was after, you know, the bad break-up. Im kinda over that, thank God praise the Lord!!! well not 100% of course, but you know, pretty much over that.. I guess im 75% over him. I dont think about him that often anymore, and i have said hi when i met him yesterday. or maybe two days ago? whatever. OK! enough said, let's forget about him!

okay so.... i've mentioned Hunter Parrish as my new eye candy, yes? Now he's my current obsession. AND I HAVE WATCHED 17 AGAIN! Yay! he's very adorable there! He plays Stan, the basketball jock/mike's daughter's boyfriend.

okay i know he was such a jerk there! but i still love love him! LOL. yeah but no kidding, he was reaaaaally cool.

and he played in Broadway's Spring Awakening recently! He plays Melchior.
and if he plays in Broadway, it means he sings!
Just search "Hunter Parrish" on YouTube and you'll find videos where he sings! I also find a video where he whistles a song called "Little Boxes" which is the theme song of "Weeds". SO CUTE!

I like him because of this movie:
Yep, RV (Robin Williams, JoJo, Josh Hutcherson). Hunter Parrish plays Earl Gornicke, the oldest son of the weird family. There is a scene where Earl asks Cassie (JoJo) if she has a boyfriend. Cassie replies "yeah, well, actually Im engaged" and Earl smiles CUTELY and says "unlikely". This is the part where he got me melted!!!

He now plays Silas Botwin in the hit TV series "Weeds". Here is the picture of the scene where he was with Mary-Kate Olsen

and here are the rest of the pictures of him i got from the world wide web!


p.s. sorry for the bad english. it's 00:14 now and i am very sleepy. TTFN, Ta-ta For Now!
Header PS Brush by